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LostBrasil - Índice do Fórum  » Notícias » [ABC/AXN] Entrevista: Jorge Garcia

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 [ABC/AXN] Entrevista: Jorge Garcia « Exibir mensagem anterior :: Exibir próxima mensagem » 
MensagemEnviada: Sábado Agosto 26, 2006 19:39  |  Assunto: [ABC/AXN] Entrevista: Jorge Garcia Responder com Citação

Sexo: Sexo:Masculino
Idade: 33

Registrado em: Sexta-Feira, 12 de Maio de 2006
Mensagens: 80
Tópicos: 8
Localização: Apucarana

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Entrevista: Jorge Garcia

Mesmo que Garcia tenha sido chamado originalmente para o papel de Sawyer, é difícil imaginá-lo atuando como outro a não ser como Hugo "Hurley" Reys em Lost. O ator, em apenas duas temporadas se tornou um dos personagens mais amados da série - Mesmo com o episódio entitulado "Everybody hates Hugo" (Todo mundo odeia Hugo").

Recentemente Garcia esteve na festa de lançamento do DVD da Segunda Temporada. Além de discutir a evolução de Hurley na Segunda Temporada, Garcia falou sobre potenciais desenvolvimentos na Terceira Temporada, o que parece se tornar uma figura de ação.

IGN DVD: It seems like Hurley has evolved over the course of the first two seasons - his fears have changed. What do you think he is fearful of now?

Jorge Garcia: Making it back to camp right now I think is probably his biggest fear.

IGN: Does he?

Garcia: It looks like he's going to make it. I had an executive producer assure me of that. He says the good thing about being on an island is that as long as the water is on one side and the mountains are on the other, eventually you will make it back.

IGN: It seems like a lot of the show is saints versus sinners. Where do you think Hurley lies in that spectrum?

Garcia: I'm going to go with mostly good. But no one's completely good, so I'm just going to say mostly good.

IGN: And if you won all of that money in a lottery, what would you buy?

Garcia: Hmm. A house.
IGN: In Hawaii?

Garcia: For sure.

IGN: In comparison to Season One, how would you characterize or differentiate your experience working on Season Two?
Garcia: Well, there's something cool about an being an actor when you're a regular as opposed to being a guest star, for example, because you can settle in and kind of enjoy and play at what you do. Because when you're a guest star, you're essentially auditioning every day at work, and coming into Season Two was fun going through the first week of being rusty like after you've had the summer off have just been kind of messing around and stuff. So the first line you flub and getting into all of that stuff is the cool thing, and also enjoying the whole idea that this is now the longest acting gig that I've ever had and that here I am at Season Three of a TV show. Just crossing that threshold - it's a great accomplishment.

IGN: How does it feel to have an action figure?

Garcia: Fantastic. I mean, I saw the prototype at Comic-Con, held it, touched it, and now I'm anxious to see it in the plastic and the package and that whole thing. I mean, I'm going to buy a lot; I mean, they'll send me some but I'll probably buy a lot more and just give them to everybody for Christmas.

IGN: Last year a lot of time was spent introducing the characters. How much input or influence do you feel like you've had developing the character with the writers during Season Two?

Garcia: Well, a lot but it's kind of an indirect way. It's kind of what I do with the scripts that are sent to me and then that will inspire them to write. You know, after [the episode entitled] "Dave" I got some calls from ex-producers and they loved it and said 'it was great and the emotional stuff was great and we have a lot more suffering for you coming up' and sort of things like that. That's kind of the feedback they tend to give me.

IGN: Who's your favorite character on the show?

Garcia: Probably Sawyer. As far as memorable lines, it's probably neck and neck between Hurley and Sawyer.

Em instantes a tradução.

Sem paciência para alguns tópicos inúteis. Que comece logo...

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Editado pela última vez por ecs em Sábado Agosto 26, 2006 22:32, num total de 2 vezes
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MensagemEnviada: Sábado Agosto 26, 2006 19:53  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

Sexo: Sexo:Masculino
Idade: 33

Registrado em: Sexta-Feira, 12 de Maio de 2006
Mensagens: 80
Tópicos: 8
Localização: Apucarana

Grupos: Nenhum
Af. Algum moderador da um jeito nesse post por favor que eu vou cuidar da tradução.


Sem paciência para alguns tópicos inúteis. Que comece logo...

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MensagemEnviada: Sábado Agosto 26, 2006 22:23  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

Sexo: Sexo:Masculino
Idade: 41

Registrado em: Quinta-Feira, 10 de Março de 2005
Mensagens: 8.344
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MensagemEnviada: Domingo Agosto 27, 2006 13:04  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

Sexo: Sexo:Feminino
Idade: 43

Registrado em: Sábado, 11 de Fevereiro de 2006
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