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ABC: 6x17/18 - The End
6x17/18 - The End
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Man of Science/Man of Faith (Ellis style) |
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Sexo: ![Sexo:Masculino Sexo:Masculino](templates/DAJ_Glass/images/icon_minigender_male.gif) Idade: 38Registrado em: Sábado, 23 de Abril de 2005 Mensagens: 1.856 Tópicos: 18 Localização: Rio de Janeiro
Para todos aqueles que estão esperando a estréia da segunda temporada, seja na ABC ou na AXN, vou postar esse fanfic maravilhosamente escrito por um homem conhecido como Ellishart2731 na internet, do que seria o primeiro episódio "Man of Science/Man of Faith".
Eu sei, eu sei, é grande pra caramba mas, se alguém tiver o tempo e a disposição que tive para lê-lo, tenho certeza que não se arrependerá ao ler esse script (eu li tudo e adorei as idéias dele).
As tiradas do Sawyer são excelentes, quase pude vê-lo proferindo-as.
Ah, para quem não sabe, POV é o mesmo que "Point of View".
Citação: |
Man of Science/Man of Faith (Ellis style)
(Close up on Hurley's eye, pulls straight back until the POV is inside the
Hurley: Gee, ladder's broke. Guess that means we should get the hell out
of here really fast.
Locke: (completely ignoring Hurley, drops rock in the hatch...long pause
before it clatters.) We're going to need a rope or a branch.
Hurley: Or, you know, we could just stay, like, really far away from it.
Remember the beach, all the sand and stuff, let's go back there.
Jack: There's no way a branch is going to reach that far.
Kate: We don't have anything that long.
Locke: We need to see in there. Give me that torch.
Hurley: Get your own. This torch is going back to the beach.
Locke: We don't have time for this.
Hurley: Dude, am I like invisible here? It's a bad idea to go in there.
Locke: Give me your shirt Jack.
Hurley: You know those numbers on the outside they are bad mojo. Seriously
bad mojo.
Kate: What do you mean?
Locke: (Tosses the torch into the hatch) It looks like there's just a gap
in the ladder. I think I can stretch down between it, reach the next set
of rungs.
Hurley: The numbers are, like, cursed.
Jack: John, I don't think that's a good idea. If you fall...
Locke: I'm not going to fall.
Kate: Cursed how?
Jack: If we wait for the others...
Locke: To do what? I'm going in.
Hurley: If you use them, then seriously bad things happen.
Kate: Bad how?
Hurley: Bad like bad! On a badness scale of 10, it's like a 23...dude...
Jack: John, I can't let you go in there.
Locke: (Turns to Jack) Then stop me.
(Suddenly they hear a noise, everything goes quiet. They all lean over the
hatch...suddenly they yank back.)
Kate: Did you see that?
Hurley: Bad. Seriously bad.
(Close up of water, rippling. The raft is smoldering, but no longer on fire.
Jin breaks the surface with Sawyer.)
Sawyer: (Screams. Panting) You think you could get your thumb out of my
bullet hole.
Michael: (Frantic) You alright?
Sawyer: Oh just swell.
Michael: Did you see which way they went?
Sawyer: Yeah, I jotted it down in my journal just after they shot me.
Jin: (Hoists Sawyer onto a piece of the raft. Speaks in Korean)
Michael: Yeah, but we got no way to steer it.
Jin: (Reaches for some part of the wreckage. Pantomimes using it like an
Michael: We gotta hurry. We gotta find them.
Sawyer: Yeah, because that went so well the first time.
Michael: We'll get the guns and we'll find them. Locke can find them. We
can find them.
Jin puts his hand on Michael's shoulder and hands him a board. Then he starts
clearing off (breaking) the material on top of the raft. He takes part of
the sail and ties it around Sawyer's wound.
Sawyer: If it's alright with you two, I'm gonna let you two paddle while
I sit here and bleed.
(Jin and Michael begin paddling)
Jin points skyward begins speaking loudly in Korean.
Michael: That doesn't make any sense. We followed the...how can we be that
far off course?
Jin still keeps pointing.
Michael: You saw. You saw that we were right on course, even if we got knocked
a bit...this isn't possible.
Sawyer: We just got attacked by what looked like a bunch of pirates after
surviving a plane crash and escaping an island with a giant monster and
a crazy french chick. How about we stop tryin' to figure out what's possible
and make with the paddling. Would it help if I got out and pushed?
End Scene
(Charlie, Claire, Sayid, Shannon, and the redshirts are a hiking)
Charlie: What was that?
Sayid: I would imagine that was the hatch.
Charlie: Do you think they got it open?
Sayid: I wish I could say I hoped so.
Charlie: What do you think is in there?
Sayid: I don't know, but I'm afraid it will be nothing of use to us, possibly
just the opposite.
Shannon: We have to stop.
Sayid: We can't stop right now, if there are others coming...
Shannon: Well that dog just went running over there and I really don't feel
like getting lost chasing after him.
Charlie: Which way did he go?
Shannon: He just growled and shot off that way (points)
Sayid: Growled?
Claire: He nearly knocked me over.
Charlie: Are you okay? (plays with Aaron)
Claire: Okay is kind of hard these days.
Sayid: Keep them moving Charlie, follow the path towards that tree.
Charlie: Why, where are you going?
Sayid: After Vincent. I'll catch up to you.
Charlie: Oh, sure, I'll just stay here and guide all the people, while you
go chase Lassie into the forrest. No problem.
Shannon: I'm coming with you.
Sayid: I don't think that's wise.
Shannon: Look, it's my dog now okay. He gave me that dog.
Sayid: Fine, but stay close.
(POV behind Sayid moving into the jungle. Sees the bushes moving a bit.
Hears the whispers)
Sayid: HELLO! (Sees the bushes rustle faster, cutting a path through the
grass). Did you hear that?
Shannon nods.
Sayid is off like a shot chasing down the thing moving through the brush.
Shannon: WAIT! I CAN'T SEE YOU. (Begins to have asthma attack)
Sayid hears her wheeze, but just ahead of him he sees a bright light switch
on, then make a quick turn to the left.
Shannon: (wheezing badly) I CAN'T...
Sayid looks at her then looks at the light fading as it moves further away.
He hesistates...but he keeps running after it.
Shannon: WAIT....
Scene ends
(Camera is close on Jack's face, it pulls back and we see he's on a plane...the
plane jumps a little bit...and the camera pulls back further to show Jack
sitting next to his wife)
Wife: God I hate flying.
Jack: It's just a little turbulence, caused when there's a pocket of air...
Wife: I swear, one time you'll just say "me too."
Jack: Sorry.
Wife: Still seems like you have some of that wedding stress on you.
Jack: Just a little tired.
Wife: Ah, what every new bride longs to hear. 'How do you feel on this honeymoon
weekend? Ready for love? Overly exuberent? Bursting at the seems?...Tired?'
Jack: I'll feel better when we land.
Wife: I don't have a lot of rest-time planned you know.
Jack: You don't say. What did you have in mind Mrs. Shepard?
Wife: Well Mr. Shepard, let's just say when we land, I hope that the tray
tables aren't the only thing in the upright and locked position.
Another bump of turbulence
Wife: Is it normally this bumpy?
Jack: I think we're on top of a jet stream, or possibly...
Wife: So no then?
Jack: No.
(Flashback cuts to Jack and Locke staring each other down)
Jack: No. You're not going down there.
Locke: Jack, with all due respect, I don't take orders from you. Now either
move out of my way...
Jack: Or what? You'll kill me? Is that what happens when people get in your
way John?
Locke: I told you, what happened to Boone was an accident and I don't have
time for this.
(Moves toward Jack, Kate steps in)
Kate: I'm not going to stand here and watch you two do this. Now we've got
a group of people who are on their way here. They're scared and confused.
The last thing they need to see is you two acting like a couple of...men.
Hurley: Am I the only one a little concerned about whatever the heck that
thing was down there? It's in a giant steel hatch buried in the middle of
nowhere and marked with numbers that I have already stated are really, really
bad. You think that maybe, just maybe, we can have this conversation a little
further away from the HATCH OF DOOM?
Locke: Whatever is in there is calling me. Has been since we got here. Now,
I don't expect any of you to understand that...especially not you Jack,
but I'm going down there.
Jack: You're not. It doesn't make any sense.
Locke: Sometimes you just do things because it seems right. You just pick
an action intuitively, as though your hands are being guided by something,
someone else. You take it on faith, Jack. I assume you've at least heard
the word.
Scene ends
Camera pans from splashing water up to Michael and Jin rowing.
Michael: Because your rowing too fast that's why.
Jin: (in Korean)
Michael: We're spinning in circles. We have to stay in rhythm. No! Like
this. (Starts speaking in time with the rowing). Now. Now. Now.
Jin: Now. Now. (Both michael and jin are in synch together)
Sawyer: Great. Keep up the practice and you guys have a real future as a
barbershop duet. (Groans in pain)
Michael: Does it still hurt real bad.
Sawyer: Well it hasn't started hurting real good yet.
Michael: So why'd you bring the gun?
Sawyer: Wasn't my idea.
Michael: Who's idea was it?
Sawyer: Think you could work a little more on rowing chief, I'm bettin'
we can play 20 questions when we get there.
(Jin points and starts yelling)
Michael: What? What is it?
Jin points a dot on the horizon.
Sawyer: Great. Home sweet home.
Michael: Not unless an island started making a wake.
Sawyer sits up
Sawyer: Careful, I don't think they like us too much.
Michael: I'm getting my boy back.
Sawyer: Last time I checked they had a boat with a motor on it. Meanwhile,
we've got the combined rowing power of the wonder twins. Somehow I doubt
we caught 'em.
Michael: So what are you saying?
Sawyer: I'm saying if we've caught up to them, it's because they wanted
us to. Now last time we saw Captain Hook and his merry men I got shot. This
time, I don't even have a gun. So unless you think you can take 'em on your
own, using these really intimidating sticks, I'm guessing our best bet is
still gettin' back to the island.
Michael: I don't care if there's a hundred of them, I'm not gonna just sit
here and watch them cart Walt away.
(Jin speaks in korean, his eyes are steeled up. He nods to Michael and starts
rowing harder. Michael nods back and starts rowing really hard.)
Sawyer: Ah hell, this oughtta be fun.
End Scene
(Sayid is running, really really fast. He hears anoise, but it sounds like
a slow roll, a rumbling. He's chasing something, but it seems to be a light
now, not a person. It's weaving. The camera moves from Sayid and sails through
the brush, back to Shannon...she's barely breathing. Wheezing like crazy.)
Sun: Shannon?
Shannon is practically blue...she can't breathe at all.
Sun: Slowly. Breathe. (She reaches into Shannon's backpack and finds the
eucalyptus. Shannon is gasping, but working to breathe. Camera whirls and
goes back to Sayid.)
Sayid: You can run as fast and as far as you'd like, but this has gone on
long enough. (He stops in the brush.) I will find you. (Louder) I will catch
you. (The light stops it's advance. It pauses...and gets brighter. The light
is now like a spotlight on Sayid. It's getting closer. The camera pans back
to Shannon and Sun.)
Sun: Where's Sayid?
Shannon: He...left me.
Sun: Why would he do that?
Shannon: It was like he...he just...he didn't look...normal. He turned and...he
just kept running.
Sun: I heard you calling. Charlie did not want me to go, but...
Shannon: I would have...he...
Sun: (Smiles) It's okay Shannon. We...take care of each other?
Shannon: (In between small breathy gasps) Thank...you.
(Suddenly the whispers start even louder)
Sun: Can you hear....
(Shannon can only nod. In the distance, vincent barks loudly)
Voices (sounding like a symphony of hisses): Shouldn't...come....alone....
End Scene
(Camera is on the back of Jack's head. It's night. In front of him we see
palm trees swaying, and see a beach with a long shore. Camera pulls back
and we see he's sitting down, his wife is laying across him, her head on
his lap.)
Wife: Couldn't you just spend a lifetime here?
Jack: I don't know about that.
Wife: Surf. Sand. Me? Throw in a catchy calypso band and a couple of pina
coladas and you have paradise Hawaiian style. What's not to love?
Jack: (Smiling) I don't know, I guess it would be...
Wife: Spontaneous? Exciting? Other words that don't belong in your biography?
Jack: (Laughing a little) I'm a little...
Wife: (Sits up) Say tired. I dare you. Say tired. (Tickles him a little)
So help me God, if you say tired...
Jack: I was gonna say hungry.
Wife: Wow. That's dangerously close to an emotion. Not exactly, but we're
getting there.
Jack: Want to get something to eat?
Wife: Am I the only one having fun here?
Jack: No...I didn't say that.
Wife: Because sometimes it feels that way. Like I'm the only one standing
here enjoying this. That you're a million miles away, or 50 years down the
road, trying to remember why this seemed like a good idea.
Jack: It's not like that.
Wife: Then what is it like, Jack? I think I'm pretty fun to be around. Cute.
Pretty smart. A cougar in the sack. And I'm sitting here, trying to figure
out why it is that you seem like you're a couple of days removed from a
funeral instead of on your honeymoon.
Jack: I guess it's just in my nature to...
Wife: Second guess things?
Jack: I was going to say think things through.
Wife: Jack I love you. I've loved you since way before you loved me. I know
Jack: I didn't say...
Wife: And maybe that's confusing for you. Somehow you confused my love for
you with the idea that you should love me.
Jack: You know that isn't true.
Wife: But all I can do at this point is keep loving you. Okay. Keep loving
you and hoping that I'm not fooling myself...
Jack: I do love you.
Wife: So why is it when you say it, it sounds like an apology. Tell you
what. Why don't you go get us something to eat. I wanna just sit here a
Jack: I...
Wife: It's okay. I just wanna sit here for a minute. Okay. Get me one of
those chicken-on-a-stick things. You know I'm a sucker for all foods that
end in on-a-stick.
Jack: (Kisses her) I...
Wife: Me too. Now go.
End Scene
(Hurley is standing in front of the numbers, getting a real good luck at
them this time. Kate is still standing between Locke and Jack.)
Kate: Sayid and the others should be here soon. Why don't we wait for them
and decide then...
Locke: I've said my piece. (Takes off his backpack. Takes off his belt and
holds it in his hand.)
Jack: John, I'm asking you one more time. Please. Don't.
Locke: (Pauses) If you believe so strongly in stopping me, if you know that
you have to in the very fiber of your being, if you believe it so deeply
that you KNOW you have to prevent me from going in, then stop me Jack.
Jack: I'm not going to fight you.
Locke: You've done it before.
Jack: I'm not playing around here...
Kate: STOP IT.
Hurley: (Talking to himself) Sure Hurley, I'll listen to your story. Gee
thanks Hurley, see it's all about these numbers, and how they tend to, like,
kill people and stuff. Oh Hurley, that's really interesting, I'm sure glad
I heard you out before standing over some crazy, alien-looking piece of
metal with those evil numbers engraved on it.
(Locke pushes Kate into Jack. Kate moves quickly to grab Locke's hand, but
he elbows her in the throat. She falls down, gasping. Jack grabs her as
she falls, watching Locke climb over the lip of the hatch)
Jack: Breathe slow, through your nose. This isn't over John. If you get
hurt down there...
Locke: That's my problem, Jack, you have the hardest time remembering that.
(He begins slowly climbing down the hatch's ladder)
Hurley: (Stands up and sees Locke going in) Dude. I'm so not kidding. This
is, like, the ultimate I told you so. 'Cept you'll probably be dead when
you realize I was right, and that isn't all that much fun...
(Kate is now eye-level with the numbers. Her eyes go wide. She gasps again.)
Kate: I know...them.
Jack: You know who?
Kate: The numbers...I know the numbers...
End Scene
(Camera pans in on Michael and Jin rowing. Sawyer looks like he's barely
clinging to consciousness.)
Jin speaks in Korean.
Michael: We can't stop now.
Jin yells louder.
Michael: DA.MMIT. (Throws his oar down. Jin dips a shirt in water, wipes
Sawyer's brow. Unties his bullet dressing, and reties it tighter.)
Sawyer: You know when I was dreamin' of a wet nurse, you ain't exactly what
I had in mind.
Michael: We're getting close.
Sawyer: Goodie.
Michael: Maybe they ran out of gas.
Sawyer: A better question'd be how they had gas in the first place.
Michael: I'll be sure to ask them that while I'm beating the hell out of
them. I swear if they hurt him...
Sawyer: Come on. That kid's tougher than most of the guys I knew in prison.
Michael: Prison?
Sawyer: I do a lot of community outreach work.
Michael: We gotta keep moving.
Sawyer: I ain't gonna be a whole lotta good when we get there.
Michael and Jin start rowing.
Jin: (Pointing) I....I...
Michael: You what?
Jin: I...land.
Michael: What? That's...that's not possible. (Turns to see that the island
is fairly close on their right hand side. Sawyer sits up.)
Sawyer: (laughing a little) Figures. (Slumps down)
Michael: I think we can sneak up on them if we turn into this cove...(looks
over at Jin and realizes he understands none of what he's said.) Over here
(he points to the cove.) We'll catch them on land. (The raft disappears
into the cove.)
end scene
(Sun and Shannon are frozen. The POV is behind the thing/person they're
staring at, but it is a long distance away. Vincent is barking like crazy
and getting closer.)
Sun: What...what do you...
Voice (sounds like a number of voices all talking at once, one voice gets
louder, then another voice speaks inbetween.): I wouldn't scream. [othervoice:
don't scream]Chances are you'll just make them angry. [othervoice: so angry]
You wouldn't want them to be angry.
Sun tries to help Shannon stand up.
Voice: Yes run. [Othervoice: We like it when they run.] Run fast. [othervoice:
let's see if we catch you.]
(Sun and Shannon book it. They start running. The camera stays with the
POV behind them, the perspective keeps popping, changing from the angle
behind them, but it is still always rushing behind them. In the distance,
more voices can be heard...but these are familiar.)
Charlie: I saw them go off this way.
Claire: Are you sure.
Charlie: I'm not the bloody bandleader here. I don't like being in charge.
I'm happy just to help out.
Claire: Calm down. I'm sure they're over here.
(Sun and shannon are moving in that direction, whatever is chasing them
is right behind.)
(Without Charlie's direction, we see the redshirts all turn. They should
run, but for some reason each one of them looks mad. They collectively take
a couple of steps in the direction of the screaming.)
Charlie: We're coming.
(Sun and Shannon come spilling out of the brush, directly into the path
of the group. Whatever's after them...it's still coming. Without speaking,
the 30 other red shirts pile into the brush...)
Voices: All of them [othervoice: they're all here] Not now [othervoice:
alone] Better when they're alone.
(The camera pans back. We see the redshirts have formed a line of some kind.
The shot pans into an overhead view, we see a line of redshirts and on the
left side we see a rustling path in the brush...only to split into 8 different
paths rustling. On the right side of the redshirts we see Charlie, Sun,
Shannon, Claire, and Aaron.)
Charlie: What was that? Is there something new we have to worry about, cause
I'm pretty bloody tired of this.
Claire: They all just moved. They all just moved to protect us. (Looks at
all the redshirts.)
End Scene.
(Camera is stationary as Jack walks by it briskly. It pulls back, and he's
on the beach.)
Jack: Sarah? (He bends down and sees their drinks. He sees the blanket she
was on...but she's nowhere to be found. He closes his eyes for a second.
Then briskly walks up the hill. Cut to him in their hotel room.
Jack: Sarah? (He opens the door to the bathroom, opens the balcony door.
Nothing. He runs down to the front desk.)
Jack: Have you seen a woman come through here, a blonde woman. She looks
like this (pulls out a picture from his wallet. The guy behind the desk
shakes his head no. He turns, and starts asking people.) Have you seen her?
This is crazy...she's...she's fine. (He goes back up to the hotel room.
He moves to the balcony. He grabs the phone...then sets it down. He's being
irrational. He moves back to the balcony. He scans the shoreline. In the
distance he sees a boat...it's too far away to be sure...but he looks...and
it seems like a blonde girl is being tucked away by two men in raincoats.)
Jack: Sarah? (He races down the stairs. Scrambles outside. Racing so fast.)
SARAH! (He's running as fast as possible, running so fast he can't get there
in time.) SARAH!
End scene
(Camera zooms in on a pair of hands. One hand clutched tight around a rung,
the other is looping a belt around it. Camera pulls back to reveal Locke
sweating profusely. Once set, he tugs on the belt. Hard. Convinced he can
dangle from it, he starts to ease his way down. The flame from the torch
has all but burned out. It's almost completely dark now. With one hand on
the belt, he strains his legs, reaching out with his foot. He stretches
his toes as far as he can, but he can't reach it. He's less than an inch
away, but the belt has been maxed to capacity, there's no more room to grab
it. He looks up. He's farther than he thought, farther than it looked from
the top of the hatch to the break in the ladder. In fact, it seems as though
he's so far away that the hole is no longer a hole, but a tiny pinprick.
Climbing back up is not an option. The sweat is starting to trickle. At
first it slides down his fingertips and down his forearm, the camera follows
it as it slides all the way down to his elbow. His fingers inch as the belt
begins to slip from him. He opens his mouth to scream, but there's no sound.
In fact, there isn't any sound at all. There's no breathing noise, no volume
whatsoever. He's struggling to get his grip. He's kicking, nearly violently
now at the rungs below, trying to get anything he can balance on at all.
No chance. Silently, he looks up once more. He closes his eyes. No sound.
No volume. He mouths "fate" and lets go.)
End Scene
(Camera swirls from the brush upward. It slowly works its up Sayid's legs.
It follows him, twirling around him, until finally it gets to his back.
It follows his arm, which is extended, and it moves along it. Until it gets
to his hand. He's brandishing a gun.)
Sayid: I am willing to forgive a great deal. I can forgive your anger, your
confusion. I can forgive your denail about your situation, your frustration.
I don't deny that you have suffered. But there will be no more terror, these
people have been through enough. I should have done more a long time ago,
but I'm doing it now. You and I are going to have a long talk. Right now,
(Camera watches as the light moves, and we see Danielle's face)
Danielle: I knew you would come. I guess that means it's time.
End Part One of Episode
(Close up of Locke's eye, and the sound of a slow scraping. It's metal on
something, the sound is that evident, but it's unnerving. Pull back to show
Locke shaving his head. Cut to him on the phone in a bathroom, pacing.)
Locke: Because it doesn't appeal to me anymore. (pause) No, I know that.
Don't you think I know that. (pause) Because there are more important things.
(pause) Well maybe you don't need to know that. Maybe there are things that
I don't need to tell you. (pause) I'm going to hang up the phone now and
I don't want to talk to you again.
(Camera cuts to Locke working out. He's lifting weights, and walking just
fine. He walks over to the kitchen which is covered in a vast mess. There
are clippings and pictures everywhere. Some of the faces are recognizable.
The two most notable: his 'father' and 'mother' tacked to a map. The camera
follows him as he walks into the living room. There are books EVERYWHERE.
There are more pictures, more names written in notebooks. There's a TV,
but it's covered with a map. Camera follows him as he sorts through the
mess, looking for something. He pulls out a notebook and begins highlighting
in it. He takes a photo of his father and slowly lays it on top. He smiles.
The camera follows him as he walks into the bedroom. There are no dressers
or furniture, just a bed that looks more like a military-issued cot. He
opens the closet just a crack...he walks into it. The camera stays on the
outside of it. He comes out and is buttoning up a shirt. Then he turns suddenly
and opens the other side of the closet. He pulls out a large hanging garmet
bag. He flops it on the cot, and walks around it. The camera circles him
and moves to an overhead shot. The bag opens...and there is an assortment
of knives like nobody's business. Huge ones, small ones, carved ones, machetes...etc.
He picks one up, tests the weight, then quickly without warning flings it
into the wall in one fluid motion. He grins again.)
Locke: More important things.
End Scene
(Camera pans to Jin and Michael quietly dragging the charred raft into a
Michael: Quiet!
Jin whispers sharply in Korean
Sawyer: (groans in pain) How much you wanna bet I just learned my first
naughty Korean word.
Michael: There's at least three of them. I don't think they saw us, I think
we can sneak up on them.
Sawyer: Yeah little mouse, you go on and sneak up on that cheese, just forget
about that big metal thing behind it.
Michael: How are you so sure it's a trap?
Sawyer: Well, given their previous warm welcome, I think it's a fair bet
to assume they don't want to hang out and discuss survival tips. I'm bettin'
that Swiss Family Robinson over there is waiting to finish the job they
Michael: But how would they know where we would be, that we would get here?
Sawyer: How did they find us out there in the first place? Point is, it's
a stupid move to go after them right now. (Groans again)
Jin hushes them. He points to an area of brush that appears to be moving.
There are two distinct sets of footsteps.
Michael: Did you get a look at them?
Jin shakes his head no, and answers in Korean.
Michael: I think one of them was a girl. If there are five of them and two
of them are girls and there's three of us...
Sawyer: You think we could finish this SAT problem after somebody sews me
up. 'Sides, right now I don't think I count all the way. It's more like
two and a half men.
Michael: If we wait until we get help, we'll lose track of them. We may
never find them again. I can't take that chance.
Sawyer: You go out there right now and you're as good as dead. (Turns to
Jin) Tell me you at least understand THAT. D-E-A-D. (Draws a line across
his throat).
Jin looks at Sawyer, then looks at Michael. He nods his head and pulls out
a piece of the raft, it's a jagged edge. He points at himself and Michael
and swings the stick, as if pantomiming an attack. The he points to Sawyer
and says "De-ad"
Sawyer: Thanks a lot Tonto, I'm working on it.
Michael: No, that's not what he's saying. He's saying if they're waiting
on us, they have no reason to think you're alive. They shot you.
Sawyer: No, really?
Michael: So if we go out there, they'll see us, but they won't figure on
you being with us.
Sawyer: And what's your plan from there, I sneak up and bleed on 'em?
Michael: If you can just confuse them for a second, I think we take the
one with the gun. Once we get that...
Sawyer: Bait. I'm gonna be bait.
Jin nods and points at Sawyer and says "bay-it."
Sawyer: You know something, you ain't my favorite person right now.
End Scene
(Camera follows from behind a long, slow group walking through the jungle.
In the rear are Sun and Shannon. Sun has her arm around Shannon. The camera
pauses on them.)
Sun: I'm sure he'll be okay.
Shannon: Why would he just leave me there? I thought I was...why would he
just do that, leave me to those things?
Sun: I'm sure that he was trying to help you...by leaving. Sometimes to
help...to help you have to walk away, to go somewhere else. (Smiles) We
just have to pray that they come back.
Shannon: (Looks at her, really gets it) So you think he'll come back.
Sun: I have to believe that he will.
Shannon: (Nods) Me too. They'll come back.
(The women move into a slightly tighter embrace. Looking ahead very seriously,
but together.)
Charlie: So everybody's out there, every last one of us, and nobody saw
Claire: It was dark. There were shapes and I know I heard something...like
hissing or something. I was scared, you know, like all over scared. Like
when your whole body is just covered in goose bumps. But then it just went
away...like whatever it was out there was scared of something, like, scared
of us or something. I don't know.
Charlie: (Looks straight ahead) We have to be getting close to Jack and
everyone by now. He'll know what to do.
(Claire puts her arm on Charlie.)
Claire: Charlie, Sayid left you in charge for a reason.
Charlie: Yeah, cause I'm the only person here whose name he knew.
Claire: You've kept us together, on track. They trust you, Charlie. I trust
Charlie: (half-smiles) Well thanks. Nice to know that if it ever came to
a vote, I'd have yours. And I better have turniphe...Aaron's, as well. We
better keep moving, I think I see smoke.
(Camera pans out, focuses on the slightest part of the Virgin Mary statue
peeking out of Charlie's knapsack. There's also something else odd, but
barely noticeable, the redshirts seem to be walking in exact step with one
End scene
(Camera focuses on Locke driving. He pulls into a fairly abandoned parking
lot. He gets out of his car and walks over to a man standing there smoking,
obscured mostly in shadow.)
Man: 'Bout time you showed up. I was getting a little anxious.
Locke: I said I would be here.
Man: (Pulls an envelope out slowly) You sure you want to do this?
Locke: Just give it to me.
Man: Thanks, but I'll show you mine when you show me yours.
Locke: (Pulls out an envelope fat with bills) It's all there. (Looks around)
Man: Relax, nobody's watching. You watch too many movies. Besides, what
would they see? Two men standing here, exchanging envelopes? Not illegal
is it? (Starts sorting through the bills)
Locke: I said it was all there, now give it to me.
Man: (Slowly hands it to him) I'm not sure I appreciate your attitude. (Yanks
the envelope back) How do I know you aren't going to do something...bad...with
Locke: What do you care. You have your money. You have your money now please,
give it here.
Man: (Slowly hands it to him) I have to tell you hoss, you've got some serious
stones. Takes serious cajones to go head's up like this. Most folks'd call
that suicide.
Locke: I'm not most folks.
Man: No. No, you ain't.
Locke: (Pulls out the envelope. It's a sheet of paper with a set of numbers
on it...some familiar ones at that.) And this will get me in.
Man: Ga-run-teed. Course there's cameras just about everywhere, but I figure
you aren't all that worried about that.
(Locke turns to start walking away)
Man: You be careful now... (laughs) think this one through before you do
something you regret.
Locke: You let me worry about that. (Turns)
Man: (Walks out of the shadows. Camera focuses right on his face...it's
Hibbs). You take care now. Tell your daddy I said hi.
End Scene
(Quick jump in to Sawyer, his shoulder has been bandaged up using some shirts
and leftover materials from the sail. He's got it in a sling, and it's bleeding,
but not bad)
Sawyer: A stick? You run out there, while I sneak behind them and yell "oooga
booga"...and wave a stick?
Michael: If they take their attention off of us for a second, I'm pretty
sure I can tackle the guy with the gun.
Jin motions to his face like a beard.
Michael: Yeah, the guy with the beard. Jin will take whatever other guy
he can find.
Sawyer: And while you guys make like heroes, I'll just stand there, hoping
they're mystified by the angry one-armed stick guy.
Michael: Look man, I don't know if you're getting this. I don't have a whole
lot, and what I got is over there. What I've got is a boy that's scared
to death, sitting over there waiting for a dad he barely knows to come over
and rescue him. Now I don't give a rat's a.ss about anything. Not you or
your shoulder, so long as he's over there. So if you want to keep making
smartass comments or just sit here bleeding and bitching, that's fine with
me. I'll go over there alone if I have to. But I'm not leaving here without
my boy, do you understand that.
Sawyer: (Groans) Relax. You just tell me where to go and I'll play Pirate
pinata as best I can.
(Jin nods. He looks very serious. He takes his shirt off and picks up a
rock from the shore. He wraps his shirt around it and twirls it. He's built
a pretty harsh mace. Sawyer slowly slides into the water, wincing as the
water hits his shoulder. He's in it up to just below his chin. Michael and
Jin start to climb the embankment, slowly working their way up the hill,
careful not to make any noise. The camera pans from them to Sawyer, slowly
swimming close to the shoreline, working his way behind the "pirates." Michael
and Jin are on shore now, crouching down in the brush. In the distance they
can see figures moving. They see several torches moving in a line, starting
to disappear into the jungle.)
Michael: Dammit, they're moving away...(he starts to stand up, but Jin holds
him back.)
Michael: What?
(Camera pans to Sawyer, he's worked his way a decent length down the shoreline.
He's approaching the other's boat. He's mumbling to himself. He reaches
the shore and starts to slink his way out, using the available brush as
cover. He's good at this, like he's done it a bunch before. He goes to take
a step away from the brush, and a figure steps in his way.)
Female Voice in a quiet whisper: (Camera is on Sawyer's POV) Not another
End Scene
(Camera pans to Kate, slowly standing up. Jack is helping her up.)
Hurley: You know these numbers, like, how. You know them in this order?
You recognize them from somewhere?
Jack: Calm down Hurley.
Hurley: I'm not playing around here, okay. I've been trying to figure these
things out for a long time now, and everytime I'm about to put some pieces
together something happens or somebody gets distracted by something just
as they're about to...
Charlie: They they are! Hey everyone, we made it!
Hurley: DAMMIT.
Charlie: Gee thanks. It's good to see you too big guy.
Jack: Where's Sayid?
Hurley: Forget Sayid! Kate, come on, the numbers...
Claire: He ran off into the jungle. We think he was chasing someone.
Charlie: Where's Locke?
Hurley, Kate, and Jack all stop and look at the Hatch.
Charlie: Well that hardly seems like a good idea. I thought it would be
bigger. You hear hatch and you think, you know, that it's going to be all
comfortable. Should have called it the pit.
(Peers over into the inside of the hatch)
Charlie: Hey. Locke! You down there? (No sound comes back) Nothin. Suppose
he's doing okay?
Jack: I tried to stop him, but he just...disappeared.
Sun: Shannon had another attack. Her breathing...
Jack: Are you okay?
Shannon: Fine. She gave me that stuff...
Charlie: And they were chased by these things.
Jack: Chased? By what?
Hurley: Dude, if anyone here has dibs on the question-asking stuff, it's
me, I have the conch alright. Now, back to the numbers...
Jack: Was anybody hurt?
Shannon: No. I couldn't see exactly...it felt like someone was staring at
us, but...I couldn't see anything.
Hurley: Great, glad to hear it, sounds crazy. Now, the numbers...
Claire: I hate to ask, but is the plan still to get down inside of that
thing? I mean, the only reason we're trying to hide is because that French
woman said to, and she's the one who tried to take Aaron.
Jack: What? She did what?
Hurley: Hey, look, baby's back though, story ends good. Kate, please...
Charlie: Sayid and I had to chase her down. She was trying to steal him
to trade or something. I'm not sure. I do know that that black smoke we
saw was strange. We found it and it looked like it had just been lit out
of thin air.
Hurley: Wow, strange smoke....
Sun: I think everyone is tired...
Shannon: I need to sit down a minute...
Kate: Do you need some water?
(Everyone starts talking over one another as the redshirts all filter in)
Hurley: HOLD IT! OKAY! Everybody just stop right where you are and hold
your questions for, like, 15 seconds alright. I know that the creepy chasing
things and weird smoke and Sayid going all missing and baby-snatching french
chicks are, like, really important and stuff, but can I PLEASE, PLEASE just
have a little silence so I can figure out what the hell is going on with
these numbers? (Hurley points to them on the hatch.) Now Kate, you said
you know them. How?
Kate: It's nothing specific...
Hurley: Go figure...
Kate: But it's a memory...like something that I should know more than I
actually know it. I can remember practicing them, saying them. I remember
saying them over and over again.
Hurley: Why? Who told you them?
Kate: I think my dad did.
Hurley: How did he know them?
Kate: I don't know.
Hurley: Did you use them for anything?
Kate: Use them?
Hurley: Yeah use them, like, as a combination for a locker or...
Kate: Numbers in a lottery...
Hurley: Sure, you know, whatever. Something like that.
Kate: No. I just...I know they're important. I can remember him saying something
about them.
Hurley: Seriously, is there something in the water here where everybody
just convieniently forgets, like, the most important stuff.
Claire: Hey.
Charlie: That's not exactly fair.
Hurley: What, I'm just sayin'...
Jack: What did your dad do Kate?
Kate: He was a g...
(One of the redshirts we haven't seen before stands up. A male)
Male Redshirt: I don't know what's going on, but I would really appreciate
it if SOMEONE would tell us what's going on here.
Female Redshirt: We walked all this way...
Male Redshirt #2: Are we still getting in the hatch?
(Voices become jumbled. Everyone is looking at Jack. Charlie steps out.)
Charlie: Look, just give us a second alright. (He whispers to Jack.) I think
the natives are officially restless...
End Scene
(Camera pans to Sawyer. He's unbandaged and bleeding pretty badly. There's
a glow coming from a fire. He's not moving. A female hand reaches in and
wipes his wound with a cloth. Sawyer's hand shoots up and grabs the woman's
Sawyer: This ain't my first time, but that don't mean you can't be gentle.
Woman (still haven't seen her. From behind we see her working on Sawyer):
Lay down. You've been out for about an hour. I'm going to have to stitch
you up the best I can. You need to drink water and rest, you've lost a decent
amount of blood. Seems the bullet grazed you, it didn't actually pass through.
You're lucky.
Sawyer: Yeah. Between falling out of a plane and getting stabbed and shot,
I keep forgetting to count my blessin's. If I get any luckier, I oughtta
be dead by lunch.
Woman: You haven't even asked me my name yet.
Sawyer: Gee, sorry if it seems like I don't care, sweetness, it's just that
I don't much care.
Woman: How did you know I wasn't one of them?
Sawyer: Didn't. If you were, you had the drop on me. Could've shot me...again.
When you didn't, figued I was alright.
Woman: How many others are with you? Besides Jin and Michael?
Sawyer: Why don't you ask Michael this crap, he's a little more friendly
and a lot less shot.
Woman: He left. He went after them.
Sawyer: You let him go out there by himself?
Woman: Last time I checked I wasn't anybody's mom. Besides, Jin went with
Sawyer: So I guess that just leaves me and you.
Woman: Not exactly. There's some other survivors, too.
Sawyer: (Groans a little) This island's a regular survivor vacation spot.
We lived through a plane crash, sweetness. Beat that.
Woman (leans into the light): (laughs) Name's Ana-lucia. Survived a plane
crash myself. We were in the back. You'll remember it as the section that
ripped cleaning off, leaving you with wings and a pilot and us with a straight
shot down. So the way I see, you boys had the first-class ride.
Sawyer: (smiles faintly as Ana-Lucia pulls out the needle and thread) Why
I think this could be the start of a beautiful (yelps as ana-lucia plunges
the needle in.)
Scene shifts
(Camera follows Michael and Jin as they are lurking through the bushes.
They are following a faint torch in the far distance. Jin moves a knife
to his back pocket, Michael is carrying a make-shift spear. Jin looks at
Michael: You could have waited. I couldn't alright.
Jin looks discouraged.
Michael: You didn't have to come.
The slowly work their way further, when they see a strange outline ahead.
It looks vaguely like a pyramid shape melted into a craggy cliff in the
middle of nowhere.
Michael: Is that...
(He gets two words out before a shrieking sound that resembles a winch being
cranked and gears being stripped sounds. The two look over to the right.
Trees begin to move upward. A familiar roar emerges. They run.)
End scene
(Camera pans to Locke. He is standing outside in the rain. It's coming down
buckets. Hard, hard rain. He's just standing there, looking at the numbers
in his hand. He's standing behind what looks like a wall. The camera pans
over to a man smoking a cigarette. Trying to avoid the rain, he looks around
and ducks behind a corner. With a burst, Locke sprints along the opposite
side. He runs straight for a door to the left of a huge gate, a door marked
"Employees." He quickly types in the code. The door beeps, he turns to see
if he was noticed. He's clear. Cut to Locke walking the outskirts of the
property. He's moving fast, and very, very stealthy. He hears a dog start
to stir...it moves toward him. Locke grabs it around the neck and forces
it to the ground, one hand around his mouth. He turns to the door. Looking
at his sheet of paper again, now soaked in rain. He types in the code, and
the door opens. It's dark...but he's expecting that. He takes two steps
in...suddenly...a shot rings out. Locke falls to the ground. He's not moving.
Blood is pooling behind him.
Locke's Dad: It never had to come to this. You could have just walked away.
I was never gonna hurt you.
Locke: (Barely able to speak) How....
Locke's Dad: You think you can pay Hibbs half what I can? Hell, it cost
me triple. (Picks up the phone) Hello, there's been an accident. Yes, I've
accidentally shot my son. (Gives address)
Locke still isn't moving or reacting. His eyes seem to be straining with
Locke's Dad: Look at it this way, if I loved you any less, you'd probably
be dead. Now you listen and listen good. You ever come near here, come near
anything I own, and I swear to you that they will never find all of your
(Cut to Locke in the hospital. Doctors and nurses are buzzing all around
him. They're moving in fast motion while he is completely immobile. Only
snippets can be heard..."Severed his spinal column...can't pull it out,
it may kill him...never walk..." Locke just closes his eyes...his mouth
(Cut to Locke opening his eyes. Closeup. He's in a white room. It's glowing
it's so white, like something out of THX 118 or the TV scene in Willy Wonka.
Laying there, he tries to stand. After an initial bit of uncertainty, he
stands up. There's nothing around him.)
Locke: Hello? Where am I?
Voice: You're home John. And we've been waiting for you for a long time.
End Scene
(Camera pans to Sayid, he's walking behind Danielle. He still hasn't put
his gun down. In fact, it's pressed to the back of her head.)
Sayid: Stop. This is far enough. Where is the power source? Surely we must
be by this Black Rock by now.
Danielle: We are. It's there. (She points to the ship)
Sayid: A ship. The Black Rock is a ship. (half laughs) Alright Danielle,
enough riddles. (He pushes her forward until she's leaning against the ship.)
I'm going to ask you questions and you're going to answer them. How is it
that after 16 years you have electrical power? Why is it that you came equipped
with guns?
Danielle: We were prepared.
Sayid: Prepared for what?
Danielle: Anything. We knew that our cargo was too valuable, that it must
be protected.
Sayid: What was your cargo?
Danielle: It certainly wasn't our intention to come here. We were ready
for isolation, yes, but not here.
Sayid: Danielle, what was your cargo?
Danielle: And by the time I realized the potential, what would happen, what
was possible...
Sayid: What was your cargo?
Danielle: I had to do what was necessary to ensure...
Sayid: (Thrusts the gun into her face a slight bit) DANIELLE, I will not
ask again. What was your cargo?
Danielle: They were.
(The camera pans to a rustling sound, then a roar of whispers on top of
one another. The camera pulls back quickly away from them, fast and far
away. There is the sound of three gunshots in rapid succession.)
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Sexo: ![Sexo:Masculino Sexo:Masculino](templates/DAJ_Glass/images/icon_minigender_male.gif) Idade: 35Registrado em: Domingo, 10 de Julho de 2005 Mensagens: 4.130 Tópicos: 50 Localização: The Pearl
to sem tempo agora pra ler, mas isso é o script do que vai acontecer no episodio?!
ou seja, puro spoiler?
pq se for nem to afim de ler, me arrependi de ter me enxido de spoiler antes que eu visse todos os cap. da 1 temporada ^^
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Sexo: ![Sexo:Feminino Sexo:Feminino](templates/DAJ_Glass/images/icon_minigender_female.gif) Idade: 39Registrado em: Sábado, 5 de Março de 2005 Mensagens: 2.120 Tópicos: 285 Localização: Baltimore, MD, USA.
a parte do Sawyer com a Ana Lucia ia ser r0xx...and u Hurley, tadinho...tentando falar e ngm dexa ;~
Curti! =D
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»» 4 8 15 16 23 42 - execute?
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Sexo: ![Sexo:Masculino Sexo:Masculino](templates/DAJ_Glass/images/icon_minigender_male.gif) Idade: 32Registrado em: Quinta-Feira, 26 de Maio de 2005 Mensagens: 93 Tópicos: Nenhum Localização: Porto Alegre
assim q tiver tempo eu do uma lida mas po pelo q eu li superficialmente
é muito bom
qeria q fosse assim
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Sexo: ![Sexo:Masculino Sexo:Masculino](templates/DAJ_Glass/images/icon_minigender_male.gif) Idade: 41Registrado em: Sexta-Feira, 1 de Abril de 2005 Mensagens: 195 Tópicos: Nenhum Localização: Porto Alegre / RS
Grupos: Nenhum |
d: Uouuuuu...ahahahaha. Muito bala isso! É longo, mas muito legal. Até parecia q eu estava assistindo a um episódio...ahahahaha ![Wink](images/smiles/wink.gif)
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Sexo: ![Sexo:Masculino Sexo:Masculino](templates/DAJ_Glass/images/icon_minigender_male.gif) Idade: 38Registrado em: Sábado, 23 de Abril de 2005 Mensagens: 1.856 Tópicos: 18 Localização: Rio de Janeiro
Sheep33 escreveu: |
d: Uouuuuu...ahahahaha. Muito bala isso! É longo, mas muito legal. Até parecia q eu estava assistindo a um episódio...ahahahaha ![Wink](images/smiles/wink.gif) |
Exatamente como me senti ao ler. "Felomenal", foi o que pensei ao terminar.
E willzinho, pode ler sem medo que não é nada oficial.
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Sexo: ![Sexo:Masculino Sexo:Masculino](templates/DAJ_Glass/images/icon_minigender_male.gif) Idade: 41Registrado em: Quinta-Feira, 10 de Março de 2005 Mensagens: 8.344 Tópicos: 212 Localização: Rio de Janeiro
eu realmente não tive tempo pra ler tudo,mas o pedacinho q eu li tava demaaaaaaaaais.
esse cara devia ser contratado pra ajudar o JJ a escrever alguns capitulos
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Sexo: ![Sexo:Masculino Sexo:Masculino](templates/DAJ_Glass/images/icon_minigender_male.gif) Idade: 36Registrado em: Quarta-Feira, 25 de Maio de 2005 Mensagens: 67 Tópicos: 1
Grupos: Nenhum |
Esse roteiro ta tao bom que parece se original...Tem certeza que foi so um fã que escreveu? ![Rolling Eyes](images/smiles/rolleyes.gif)
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Sexo: ![Sexo:Masculino Sexo:Masculino](templates/DAJ_Glass/images/icon_minigender_male.gif) Idade: 38Registrado em: Sábado, 23 de Abril de 2005 Mensagens: 1.856 Tópicos: 18 Localização: Rio de Janeiro
Depois que postei que era de um fã, pensei em editar e colocar como sendo o script real (só para um sensacionalismo e fazer com que as pessoas lessem) para depois desmentir.
Mas achei desonesto demais fazê-lo.
Anyway, eu não ficaria triste se esse fosse o script real
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Sexo: ![Sexo:Masculino Sexo:Masculino](templates/DAJ_Glass/images/icon_minigender_male.gif) Idade: 36Registrado em: Quarta-Feira, 25 de Maio de 2005 Mensagens: 67 Tópicos: 1
Grupos: Nenhum |
Já eu ficaria triste de saber tudo antes da estreia...
Esse roteiro é quase perfeito(não falo perfeito por que espero que o original seja perfeito), o que se destaca é a apariçao da Ana Lucia e o Hurley que ta muito engraçado...
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Sexo: ![Sexo:Masculino Sexo:Masculino](templates/DAJ_Glass/images/icon_minigender_male.gif) Idade: 37Registrado em: Segunda-Feira, 1 de Agosto de 2005 Mensagens: 57 Tópicos: 1
Grupos: Nenhum |
eu já ia perguntar se isso não era armação... aff.. fã muito doente pra escrever isso tudo... vai viver hehehe... gringo nerd hehehe xD
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Sexo: ![Sexo:Feminino Sexo:Feminino](templates/DAJ_Glass/images/icon_minigender_female.gif) Idade: 39Registrado em: Segunda-Feira, 1 de Agosto de 2005 Mensagens: 147 Tópicos: Nenhum Localização: Cracovia - Polonia
Noooossaaaa!! Achei o MAXIMO!!! Serio, esse carinha deve ter roubado o script original, não e possivel, perfeitooo! As tiradas do Sawyer, otimas!! não vou me espantar nem um pouco se o primeiro episodio da 2 temp. for do jeitinho q ta escrito ai!! ![Wink](images/smiles/wink.gif)
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Sexo: ![Sexo:Masculino Sexo:Masculino](templates/DAJ_Glass/images/icon_minigender_male.gif) Idade: 38Registrado em: Sexta-Feira, 5 de Agosto de 2005 Mensagens: 27 Tópicos: Nenhum Localização: Lisboa (Portugal)
Grupos: Nenhum |
Bem isto tá como nós dizemos em Portugal, muita fixe, ou seja está muito bom... isto é o que se chama um fã a serio ![Laughing](images/smiles/lol.gif)
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Sexo: ![Sexo:Masculino Sexo:Masculino](templates/DAJ_Glass/images/icon_minigender_male.gif) Idade: 41Registrado em: Terça-Feira, 18 de Janeiro de 2005 Mensagens: 4.820 Tópicos: 158 Localização: São Paulo / SP
Twitter: @ldaugusto
Nossa... agora q eu li
Impressionante e muito bom. Ok, teve uma ou outra coisa q não curti muito, mas ainda assim é um trabalho notavel. Muito bom mesmo, tu sentes como se tivesse vendo um episodio da serie.
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Sexo: ![Sexo:Masculino Sexo:Masculino](templates/DAJ_Glass/images/icon_minigender_male.gif) Idade: 38Registrado em: Sábado, 23 de Abril de 2005 Mensagens: 1.856 Tópicos: 18 Localização: Rio de Janeiro
ldaugusto escreveu: |
Nossa... agora q eu li
Impressionante e muito bom. Ok, teve uma ou outra coisa q não curti muito, mas ainda assim é um trabalho notavel. Muito bom mesmo, tu sentes como se tivesse vendo um episodio da serie. |
As únicas coisas que não gostei muito são trechos que parece que ele colocou ali para reforçar a idéia dele (do autor) sobre os mistérios da ilha.
Exemplo? Quando ele diz que os RedShirts andam como se estivessem todos pisando nos mesmos lugares.
(dando uma idéia de encenação universal, como se a única coisa real na ilha fossem os protagonistas e os RedShirts fossem "atores" a lá "Show de Trumman").
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