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LostBrasil - Índice do Fórum » Off-Topic  » Games » Game of the Year 2009 - Game Spot

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 Game of the Year 2009 - Game Spot « Exibir mensagem anterior :: Exibir próxima mensagem » 
MensagemEnviada: Segunda Dezembro 28, 2009 20:08  |  Assunto: Game of the Year 2009 - Game Spot Responder com Citação

Sexo: Sexo:Masculino
Idade: 37

Registrado em: Domingo, 3 de Julho de 2005
Mensagens: 6.976
Tópicos: 159
Localização: Rio de Janeiro

Twitter: @Gabriel_GFV

Grupos: Nenhum

Look, this was one of the toughest categories to choose a winner for this year. Hopefully, you can see why. The PS3 had an absolutely killer lineup of outstanding games...choosing just five finalists took many hours of deliberating, begging, pleading, and cursing. In spite of all the enjoyment we got out of these terrific games, the process of choosing the winner was agonizing.

In the end, even though the PS3 saw some outstanding sequels in 2009, GameSpot's editors narrowly gave the nod to a fresh-faced newcomer in Demon's Souls. This highly, highly, highly unorthodox role-playing game offers huge variety in ways that many RPG fans never thought possible and, in certain cases, really shouldn't have worked (but did).

The basic mechanics of Demon's Souls are already solid and provide a good first impression; its character classes are quite varied and offer a noticeably different experience, while exploring the world is an exciting, nail-biting experience because this game can be hard. Really hard. But while other Japanese RPGs have been unforgiving, none have offered the revolutionary integrated online features of Demon's Souls, which let you leave hints for other players with notes and also instantly summon other players to your side to assist you in co-op boss battles. The huge variety and stiff challenge should already be engrossing enough until you end up on the other side of a co-op battlefield and make the mind-blowing realization that you are in fact another player's boss. It's this combination of solid, challenging gameplay and boldly unique online functionality (which actually works!) that sets Demon's Souls apart from its worthy competition in the PS3 category.



f*** demais esse video. O modo de cooperação entre jogadores parece fantástico.

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