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LostBrasil - Índice do Fórum » Creative Lost  » Fan Fiction » Adrift (Ellis Style)

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 Adrift (Ellis Style) « Exibir mensagem anterior :: Exibir próxima mensagem » 
MensagemEnviada: Quinta Agosto 25, 2005 18:12  |  Assunto: Adrift (Ellis Style) Responder com Citação

Sexo: Sexo:Masculino
Idade: 38

Registrado em: Sábado, 23 de Abril de 2005
Mensagens: 1.856
Tópicos: 18
Localização: Rio de Janeiro

Para todos aqueles que, assim como eu, leram o primeiro capítulo escrito Man of Science/Man of Faith (Ellis style), estou disponibilizando aqui o que seria o segundo episódio da temporada, segundo o próprio Ellis.
Ainda prefiro o primeiro, mas acho que é por que esse segundo episódio ainda não está terminado (o que faz dele uma leitura muito mais curta e rápida).

Eis o que seria Adrift, segundo Ellishart2731

Adrift - Ellis Style

(Camera opens tight on Shannon's eye. It pulls back just in time to see her get whacked across the face. There's a guy standing in front of her, and he's furious.)
Man: You're some piece of work sweetheart.
Shannon: You’re one to talk.
Man: You just keep opening that pretty mouth, I'll keep closing it. (He raises his hand as if to strike her, but he doesn't. Instead he just laughs.)
Shannon: Just leave. You got what you wanted.
Man: (Starts grabbing random possessions.) Sure did. Thing is, I can't seem to figure out what you were after. I mean I got all of this (he touches her face) and what did you get?
Shannon: Go.
Man: You know I think there’s a part of you that actually believes you're something special.
Shannon: Shut up.
Man: But I've got you figured out. Know what you call a well-dressed, rich, wh.ore? (Glares at her) A (Shannon slaps him.)
Shannon: You don't know anything about me.
Man: (Grabs her wrist and forces her into a wall) Honey, there ain't nothin' about you I can't figure out by reading bathroom graffiti. (Lets her go and walks towards the door, he stops halfway through and leans back in.) For the record, I've had better. (The camera follows him out to his car. Shannon sinks to the wall crying. Then, while crying, she just looks very, very angry. The camera follows the man as he drives away, he makes a turn, mumbles something rude under his breath and then suddenly, he gets t-boned by another car [a familiar one for astute viewers] The camera cuts back to Shannon crying. She stops.)
End scene

(Cut quickly to Shannon moving silently behind the hatch. Pan up to Jack.)
Jack: Calm down.
Faceless Redshirt: So what now?
Jack: We're gonna figure that out.
(The redshirt crowd is rumbling something fierce)
Jack: Look could we just...
Charlie: (Looks around) Hey Jack, where's that scientist guy? What was his name? Arnzt?
Hurley: Dude, really not the time.
Jack: If we just...(redshirts all start rumbling over his voice)
Kate: LISTEN UP! We know that you're tired. We know that you're hungry. We know that you're scared. We are too. I know that you're angry about coming out here only to find that things have changed. We're doing the best we can. Nobody may have put us in charge, but nobody seems to want to step up and help us. Now if anyone here has a better idea...(hurley interrupts)
Hurley: Get away from the hatch...
Kate: A better plan...
Hurley: To get away from the hatch...
Kate: Then speak up now. (Silence. For a couple of seconds...then)
Hurley: GET AWAY FROM THE HATCH. (Everybody looks at him.) I’m just saying you’ll really appreciate it later. I’ll tell you all about it...while we’re walking over there.
Kate: If you just give us a little time, we'll figure out...(redshirt rumbling roars again...this time one voice speaks up louder)
Faceless Redshirt: I bet there's food in the hatch.
Another faceless redshirt: You're protecting it. Hiding it...just like those guns...
Kate: Nobody's hiding anything. I don't think we should go near the hatch...
Hurley: I second that. If there’s seconding required here, note that it has been.
Faceless Redshirt: There’s only a few of them. Are they really going to stop us...(The redshirts start surging forward toward the hatch opening.)
Jack: WAIT!
(A voice comes from seemingly nowhere.)
Voice: Trust don't want to go down there. (A hand comes out of the hatch. The voice was coming from there. It's Locke, his scar over his eye is missing.)
Locke: (Dusts himself off...and smiles.) I think I do know where we should go. In fact, I’m headed there right now. Who’s coming with me?


(Camera is on Ana Lucia, she's pushing her way through dense brush)
Ana Lucia: I’m just saying, I don't see what running after anybody is going to do.
Sawyer: I don't remember asking your advice, sweetness. Now all you have to do is point in a direction. You do know how to point don't you? You just take your finger out of your...
Ana Lucia: You're in no condition to help anybody.
Sawyer: Oh come on, I got these purty new bright red stitches in, I'm all ready for adventure. Hell, at the rate I'm going, I can just sit here and somebody’ll come by and set me on fire. Now, while I’ve had a real great time sharing our feelings, I’m going to go retrieve the only two people who could possibly get me off this rock. So I’m not going to ask again. Which way'd they go?
Ana Lucia: At least let one of us come with you.
Sawyer: You know, if it's okay with you, I think things are movin' a little fast, we probably need some time apart.
Ana Lucia: You sure you were trying to sail home, and that somebody didn't just shoot you and push you into the ocean.
Sawyer: Ouch, and I thought our first date was going so well.
Ana Lucia: Come back to our camp. Rest a little more. Get some supplies. Take one of us with you and we'll go looking for your friends.
Sawyer: With all due respect your highness, there's some kind of crazy monster thing out there, known for eatin' folks, my bet is if we don't find them soon, we'll be looking for the parts of what used to be Jin and Michael.
(Offscreen we hear an older man speak)
Man: Why don't you take me with you? I'm pretty good at handling myself out there. (He sheathes a giant knife into his belt.)
Sawyer: You know, I know this guy you'd get along with real well.
(End Scene)

(Camera pans to Danielle, she's dragging Sayid behind her)
Danielle: I warned you. I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen.
(Sayid is basically groaning, doing little else but trying not to die, though his wounds are tough to see.)
Danielle: I told you to run. I told you to watch them. You didn't listen.
(The camera pans back to a giant movement in the trees)
Danielle: We had to take it away. We never thought we would be stranded here, in this place, where it could grow so strong. (She’s still dragging him.) We didn’t know what we had done. You have to believe me. We didn’t know what would happen. We thought we were doing good. We thought it would help. (Huge rustling, a roar, then two definitive motions move through the brush). But now it’s too late.
(End scene)

(Camera pans to Jin and Michael...running very, very fast)
Michael: To your right. (Jin starts to go left). OTHER RIGHT! (Jin ducks behind Michael into a cave-like thing. It’s quiet and very dark.)
Michael: (Whispers) What was that thing?
Jin: M-
Michael: Quieter man. (Camera is pretty much shooting complete black). You saw it, didn’t you.
Michael: Yeah, monster.
Jin: No.
Michael: You didn’t see it?
Jin: I see.
Michael: You did see it. What was it? What did it look like?
Jin: Ma-
Michael: I know monster.
Jin: NO! Ma-shine.
Michael: Machine? (There is a rattle. The camera pans to the peep hole they’re looking out. A roar is let loose, chains visibly drag by, layers and layers of chains. Then there is a wisp of smoke...which pauses right in front of the hole.)
Michael: (Under his breath) Oh god.
(End Scene)

(Camera pans to Shannon, she’s dressing herself up. Putting on extra makeup, really prettying herself up.)
Shannon: I’m almost ready.
Man (Different from the one earlier): Almost ready is something that would have been good about an hour ago. Can we try ready ready?
Shannon: I thought you wanted me to look nice.
Man: I want you to look nice. I don’t need you to wear more paint than the Lurve.
Shannon: It’s pronounced Loov.
Man: And she comes with French lessons, too. I’m leaving in five.
Shannon: (Picks up her cell phone. She presses one number and the speed dial rings. The phone picks up.)
Boone: Hello? Shannon? (Silence from Shannon.) How thoughtful, you’re just checking in...Look I don’t know where you are or who you’re with, but if you really think you’re going to teach your father a lesson by...(She closes the phone, and walks downstairs. Cut to her and the guy at the party. It’s a real swank, glitzy affair. Everybody is dressed to the nines. Shannon is engaging in simple, meaningless conversation with people. “How long have you been in town? You just have to try it... and so forth. She notices a man staring at her from across the room. He’s a tall black man, dressed in a black tux with no bow tie. She looks, and he’s gone. She moves through a couple of people)
Man who brought her to the party: Come on there’s someone I’d like you to meet.
Shannon: In a minute, I thought...there’s somebody I...(He grabs her wrist and pulls her in tight. You can see he’s hurting her)
Man: (Under his breath through clenched teeth) I brought you here for a reason, chase your next meal ticket later.
Shannon: Let me go, I just want to find...him. (She sees the man through the window. She starts to pull away after him. But the man locks her wrist tightly. A waiter carrying a tray of champaign flutes walks by. As he crosses in front of Shannon and the man fighting, one of the flutes explodes.)
Man (Clutches his eye): You ***** (drops down, bleeding from the face).
Shannon: (Runs outside, chasing down the big man she saw inside. She’s lost him. She stands there, looking like she’s about to cry. Suddenly, he steps out from behind her.)
Mysterious man: One day, you and I will have much to talk about Shannon Carlyle. Much to talk about. (He hands her a card, it has a name and a phone number on it. His name is Emeka).
Emeka: Much to talk about...soon...
(End Scene)

(Camera pans to Shannon looking at the hatch numbers. She doesn’t say anything.)
Jack: What was down there?
Locke: Don’t know, didn’t make it all the way down.
Jack: You were gone forever, you expect me to believe that? I’m done with the lying Locke. Now we’re not...
Locke: We, Jack? We? It doesn’t seem to me like you have much of a we right now. It seems to me like you have an “us” and a “them. (He turns to the redshirts). I’m going inland a bit further. I think there is adequate shelter there, and I have reason to believe there is better food and living conditions. I know things have been hard and confusing. I promise you, there is shelter. What nobody has told you is that this island has a power source. I believe I know where that is. I don’t need everybody to come with me. I don’t want anyone to come with if they don’t want to. I’m not promising the journey will be easy, and I don’t blame those that want to stay behind (he points to Jack) and try to come up with a better solution. But I am leaving, and I would welcome anyone who would come with me.
Jack: (He turns to the group, he looks at Locke and then back to them.) You can’t be serious. This man has been lying to us and he is in no mental condition to go...
Kate: Let them go Jack. Whoever wants to go. Let them go.
Hurley: Don’t you go Kate. (Everybody looks at Hurley) What it’s not like I have some huge crush or something, unless you know, you’re interested, I was just thinking that you and I still have a conversation that needs to happen.
Jack: If we just...
Locke: It’s not your choice.
Charlie: I’m staying with you Jack. Claire and the baby might need you.
(The redshirts all stand and go with Locke. Leaving only Sun, Shannon, Jack, Hurley, Claire, Charlie, and Aaron).
Kate: I’m coming too.
Jack: You can’t...
Hurley: Dude seriously. I wanna talk and stuff, but there’s no way I’m going with crazy hatch guy.
Kate: (Hugs Jack and whispers in his ear.) Somebody has to keep an eye on our Locke problem.
Jack: (Looks at Locke) This isn’t over John.
Locke: I never said it was. In fact, we’re just beginning. (His group turns and starts walking)
(End Scene)

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Aventus está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular
MensagemEnviada: Quinta Agosto 25, 2005 18:33  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

Sexo: Sexo:Masculino
Idade: 35

Registrado em: Terça-Feira, 17 de Maio de 2005
Mensagens: 1.477
Tópicos: 10

Grupos: Nenhum
sako num tem em alemão ñ (hahahahhahah) espanhol portugues ñ ne pois e thau


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aristidesfm está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular MSN Messenger
MensagemEnviada: Quinta Agosto 25, 2005 22:35  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

Sexo: Sexo:Masculino
Idade: 41

Registrado em: Terça-Feira, 18 de Janeiro de 2005
Mensagens: 4.820
Tópicos: 158
Localização: São Paulo / SP

Twitter: @ldaugusto

Hmmm gostei do primeiro (com algumas reservas, claro) e Também gostei dessa parte até agora do segundo, embora não tenha concordado com todos os redshirts seguirem o Locke... ficou meio absurdo, considerando tudo o que a maioria deve achar do Locke depois do lance com o Boone.

Mas tem bastante qualidade no que ele escreve.

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ldaugusto está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular MSN Messenger
MensagemEnviada: Sábado Agosto 27, 2005 03:26  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

Sexo: Sexo:Masculino
Idade: 41

Registrado em: Quinta-Feira, 10 de Março de 2005
Mensagens: 8.344
Tópicos: 212
Localização: Rio de Janeiro

concordo com o ldaugusto.o lance do locke ficou meioestranho

e o cara ta querendo resolver tudo rapidinho,né?

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kennewick está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular
MensagemEnviada: Quinta Setembro 08, 2005 19:23  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

Sexo: Sexo:Masculino
Idade: 34

Registrado em: Segunda-Feira, 22 de Agosto de 2005
Mensagens: 112
Tópicos: Nenhum
Localização: Poa

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Aff.. Detalhe por detalhe do episodio... Robou ond isso?? Leu o script? Exclamation

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vitor15 está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular
MensagemEnviada: Sexta Setembro 09, 2005 01:20  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

Sexo: Sexo:Masculino
Idade: 38

Registrado em: Sábado, 23 de Abril de 2005
Mensagens: 1.856
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Localização: Rio de Janeiro

Se você prestar atenção na minha nota, é dito que esse script foi escrito por um FÃ.

Esse script NÃO é o oficial.

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Aventus está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular
MensagemEnviada: Sexta Setembro 09, 2005 08:17  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

Sexo: Sexo:Feminino
Idade: 39

Registrado em: Segunda-Feira, 1 de Agosto de 2005
Mensagens: 147
Tópicos: Nenhum
Localização: Cracovia - Polonia

Esse cara q escreve esses "scripts" ele tem uma imaginacao incrivel, sabe escrever como se fosse de verdade e tals, muito bom msmo... mas como alguém (desculpe, não lembro quem) disse no primeiro, ele tenta sempre colocar as teorias dele, meio q sem querer... a parte do d todos os redshirts irem com o Locke foi forcada msmo...
E isso! não tiro o merito do carinha, mandou bem!

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Juinha está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular Visitar a homepage do Usuário
MensagemEnviada: Sexta Setembro 09, 2005 11:50  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

Sexo: Sexo:Masculino
Idade: 41

Registrado em: Terça-Feira, 18 de Janeiro de 2005
Mensagens: 4.820
Tópicos: 158
Localização: São Paulo / SP

Twitter: @ldaugusto

kennewick escreveu:
e o cara ta querendo resolver tudo rapidinho,né?

hehhehehee em 1 episódio e meio ele já andou mais com a série do que com 3-4 episodios do Damon Lindelof Laughing Laughing

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ldaugusto está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular MSN Messenger
MensagemEnviada: Sexta Setembro 09, 2005 23:21  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

Sexo: Sexo:Masculino
Idade: 38

Registrado em: Sábado, 23 de Abril de 2005
Mensagens: 1.856
Tópicos: 18
Localização: Rio de Janeiro

Vocês não ficam felizes nunca? Em Lost reclamam que tudo demora muito.
Aqui dizem que tudo vai muito rápido.

Queiram assistir Smallville, por favor! Evil or Very Mad

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Bad Twin Desvendando os Mistérios de Lost Identidade Secreta Risco de Extinção Sinais de Vida