Sinopse: A re-imagining of the cult classic British science fiction series The Prisoner, a man known only as Number Six (James Caviezel) awakes to find himself captive in an enigmatic locale called the Village. The administrator of the Village, Number Two (Sir Ian McKellen), is determined to crack him in order to gain access to the knowledge which he possess. However, Number Six is just as determined to escape.
Registrado em: Sexta-Feira, 24 de Junho de 2005 Mensagens: 2.537 Tópicos: 146 Localização: Secreta
Grupos: Nenhum
Considero THE PRISONER de 1967 superior a LOST em vários aspectos, sem contar o fato de ser uma série britânica. Tivemos a sorte de ter legendas tão bem traduzidas pela Lunalestrie o que garantiu uma experiência mais fiel.
Vamos torcer para que a nova série siga os caminhos da antiga. De elenco sabemos que ela vai bem. Prefiro que seja uma série do que um filme, conforme se cogitava.
Os pôsteres são belos e o logotipo da série carrega o n.º 6 dentro do 'O'. Merece respeito o especial detalhe na gravata de Ian: '2'. _________________ ***
The people in these towns, they're asleep.
All day at work, at home.
We wake them up.
Sometimes, life forces you to cross the line. You're going about your normal everyday routine, when suddenly something truly awful happens and all that pent-up rage you feel about your job, your marriage, your very existence, is released with unstoppable fury. Some call it 'reaching the breaking point' others call it 'breaking bad'.
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. - George Carlin
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Uma nabucada é uma cheligada ao quadrado. PERIOD - By Giraia
- Lost has to go back! Has to go baack!
- This Island is diferent, it's special. I belong here. We crash here, life were left behind, some survivers think was a freak accident, others think it's fate. They want believe that everything happens for a reason. I dont know what believe anymore.
- Eu olhei bem dentro dos olhos desta ilha e o que eu vi... foi lindo!
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Uma nabucada é uma cheligada ao quadrado. PERIOD - By Giraia
- Lost has to go back! Has to go baack!
- This Island is diferent, it's special. I belong here. We crash here, life were left behind, some survivers think was a freak accident, others think it's fate. They want believe that everything happens for a reason. I dont know what believe anymore.
- Eu olhei bem dentro dos olhos desta ilha e o que eu vi... foi lindo!
_________________ _________
Uma nabucada é uma cheligada ao quadrado. PERIOD - By Giraia
- Lost has to go back! Has to go baack!
- This Island is diferent, it's special. I belong here. We crash here, life were left behind, some survivers think was a freak accident, others think it's fate. They want believe that everything happens for a reason. I dont know what believe anymore.
- Eu olhei bem dentro dos olhos desta ilha e o que eu vi... foi lindo!
EDIT: The Prisoner 2009 S01E01E02 HDTV XviD-XII _________________ _________
Uma nabucada é uma cheligada ao quadrado. PERIOD - By Giraia
- Lost has to go back! Has to go baack!
- This Island is diferent, it's special. I belong here. We crash here, life were left behind, some survivers think was a freak accident, others think it's fate. They want believe that everything happens for a reason. I dont know what believe anymore.
- Eu olhei bem dentro dos olhos desta ilha e o que eu vi... foi lindo!
Registrado em: Sexta-Feira, 24 de Junho de 2005 Mensagens: 2.537 Tópicos: 146 Localização: Secreta
Grupos: Nenhum
A série difere bastante da original de 67 e nem tem aquele glamour, mas funciona bem.
Gostei muito das atuações e fiquei bem impressionado com a angústia que o roteiro consegue transmitir. O pano de fundo é bem diferente da obra de Patrick McGoohan, mas a história rende algumas homenagens interessantes ao PRISIONEIRO original. _________________ ***
The people in these towns, they're asleep.
All day at work, at home.
We wake them up.
Sometimes, life forces you to cross the line. You're going about your normal everyday routine, when suddenly something truly awful happens and all that pent-up rage you feel about your job, your marriage, your very existence, is released with unstoppable fury. Some call it 'reaching the breaking point' others call it 'breaking bad'.
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. - George Carlin
Tá la no topico de release mas é so pra lembrar que hj Também tem:
The.Prisoner.2009.Part04.HDTV.XviD-XII _________________ _________
Uma nabucada é uma cheligada ao quadrado. PERIOD - By Giraia
- Lost has to go back! Has to go baack!
- This Island is diferent, it's special. I belong here. We crash here, life were left behind, some survivers think was a freak accident, others think it's fate. They want believe that everything happens for a reason. I dont know what believe anymore.
- Eu olhei bem dentro dos olhos desta ilha e o que eu vi... foi lindo!
Editado pela última vez por jackelinediniz em Terça Novembro 17, 2009 00:33, num total de 1 vez
Vi o primeiro e segundo episódio, e achei uma grande m**da . Muito mal dirigido, tentando trazer suspense onde não tem, com pequenos 'flashbacks' em excessos e repetitivos.
Acho que vai ser igual Jericho, ou Crusoé. Não vai vingar !