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LostBrasil - Índice do Fórum  » Fuselagem » [Spoilers Gerais] 2ª Temporada

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MensagemEnviada: Domingo Novembro 06, 2005 01:36  |  Assunto: Spoilers Gerais da segunda temp Responder com Citação

Sexo: Sexo:Masculino
Idade: 36

Registrado em: Quarta-Feira, 27 de Abril de 2005
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Estah em fiquei com preguiça de traduzir tudo já que saum 02:30 da manha
General Season 2 Spoilers
Spoiler 1: The "Orientation" film's jarring jump cuts are actually what Lindelof calls "missing pieces" that resulted when former hatch hermit Desmond spliced the broken movie back together after watching it too many times. Those missing pieces will become "very important plot points down the road."
Spoiler 2: Lindelof confirms that Walt said, "Push the button. Don't push the button. Bad."
Spoiler 3: Cuse admitted that Shannon's jungle encounter with Walt was a dream.
Spoiler 4: Says Lindelot: "I think the audience is very compelled to figure out exactly where Desmond was running to and, once he gets there, what is he going to do. We told you that he was in a [ship] wreck, but I think there are a lot of questions about how exactly he came to be here. That's certainly a story on the horizon."
Spoiler 5: "It's important to note," Lindelof says, "that we've never said when the plane crashed. I think the assumption is that it happened in 2004 when the show premiered, but we've never said that."
Spoiler 6:"The Helen we meet in flashbacks is not the same Helen that Locke was speaking to on the phone," Lindelof clarifies, sort of.
Spoiler 7: Lindelof says, "What happened to the 'tailies' that so drastically whittled their numbers is a very compelling mystery that drives us through the first third of the season."
Spoiler 8: It is Shannon that dies.
Spoiler 9: Expect a reunion between Rose and husband Bernard.
Spoiler 10: Marvin Candle only has 1 hand.
Spolier 11: We will be seeing less of Walt.
Spoiler 12: The link with Shannon's dad will be explained in November
Spoiler 13: Kirstin says. "I just found out HOW the female(SHANNON) on Lost dies and.I want to cry. I'm not kidding. It's so shocking. So good. And so unbelievable. The doomed female dies NOT at the hands of the monster. But it is at the hands of someone we know who .... well, given this twist, just might BE a monster.
Spoiler 14: Desmond will be back.
Spoiler 15: The person (SHANNON) that is killed is intentionally killed, although the reason will not be known to us immediately. This is not a LOST murder mystery though, it's more of a why'd they do it. The person who dies is a crash survivor. The person who kills them will not be revealed until the November sweeps week episode (of course). The network will dangle this information for a while to build anticipation. (Another "who shot JR" moment.) The full time-line is: Death in Episode 6. Rerun the following week. Then episode 7 which is mostly told in flashback from the tail-section point of view, but ends with a teaser of who killed SHANNON. Then Episode 8 which reveals who the killer is. Look for this person to deceive everybody except for a select few.
Spoiler 18: The airport encounter between Jack and Ana-Lucia was not accidental.
Spoiler 19: Shannon is killed by another FEMALE
Spoiler 20: "The Dharma Initiative creators, Gerald and Karen DeGroot --- a bearded man and blonde women seen in the film Jack and Locke watched in the hatch --- bear a striking (if not younger) resemblance to two of the people who kidnapped Walt"says Abrams.
Spoiler 21: There are other [Dharma] films that eventually you will see [on the show]," reveals Abrams.
Spoiler 22: When asked "Is it just a coincidence that Jack and hatch dweller Desmond Have met before?" Intersecting lives have become a trend on the series. In fact, Jack is already connected to Sawyer and Shannon. "The show gets to wrestle with and not always resolve questions about fate," cocreator J.J. Abrams crypyically reveals.
Spoiler 23: There is a BIG KISS coming. Involving Kate and someone else. And it AIN'T Sawyer. And it's HOT. Not a dream. Not a flashback. Not a cop-out."
Spoiler 24: Ann-Lucia appears to have previously been a cop. Source: The Transmission
Spoiler 25: During the November sweeps, you will not only be seeing the death of a major character, the tragedy will lead into one of the most unusual and compelling hours we have yet to produce. We won't spoil too much, but let's just say that the intense inside story of the tailies and their trials on the island will be told in a way that will surprise you - and those of you who have gotten used to "Lost's" method of telling stories in the present with flashbacks to the past are going to be thrown for what we hope is a fantastic thrill-ride of a loop on this one. Source: Oceanic-Air Inflight Magazine [Note: This refers to episodes 2.06 and 2.07.]

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pedrogps08 está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular
MensagemEnviada: Domingo Novembro 06, 2005 04:00  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

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mergido tópico. por favor faça uma consulta antes de postar.

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LucyK está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular Visitar a homepage do Usuário MSN Messenger Orkut Profile:
MensagemEnviada: Domingo Novembro 06, 2005 10:23  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

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Enygmatic@ escreveu:

Michele Rodrigues deve gostar de encarnar um homem de vez em quando

Os produtores olham pra ela e dizem: "Esta vai fazer papel de mulher-macho que não acredita em nada e não tem sentimento, mas acaba conquistando o público" XD

Conquista público composto por pepinos e samambaias? Sim, porque apenas pepinos e samambaias sentir-se-iam compelidos a gostar da Diadorim de Lost. Tão sem graça quanto direito do trabalho e tão antipática quanto a Hebe Camargo deve sê-lo pela manhã.

ésse: para aqueles que leram, mas não entenderam a referência, sugestão:

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Klen está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular Enviar Email Orkut Profile:
MensagemEnviada: Quarta Novembro 09, 2005 00:45  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

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Idade: 48

Registrado em: Segunda-Feira, 22 de Agosto de 2005
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Vídeos do 6º Episódio


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Xupilsca está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular
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MensagemEnviada: Quarta Novembro 09, 2005 09:28  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

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Registrado em: Domingo, 3 de Abril de 2005
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então a Shannon não morre logo depois de ter visto o Walt pelo jeito.... Como será hein????

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Hytokiri está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular Enviar Email MSN Messenger
MensagemEnviada: Quarta Novembro 09, 2005 11:25  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

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Idade: 48

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Ela parece bem assustada com a aparição do garoto. Ainda acho q ela não morre. Amahã teremos a resposta!

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Xupilsca está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular
MensagemEnviada: Quarta Novembro 16, 2005 17:32  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

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Idade: 37

Registrado em: Segunda-Feira, 16 de Maio de 2005
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Executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse reveal: It's always possible [Shannon] could pop up in someone's backstory. But she is definitely dead. When a character dies on the island, they stay dead. In the same moment that we decided Shannon would die, [we also decided that] Ana-Lucia would be responsible for that death. It would be the first time one castaway was responsible for killing another, and it would give so much inherent conflict and trauma [heading to] the merge. We're walking a very tenuous tightrope with her, but we feel that over the course of the next two episodes the audience will hopefully get a better understanding for that character and what she's been through. [Shannon] was shot. Walt's disappearance and, ultimately, Michael's efforts to reunite with him were part of a grander plan. As we move into the middle run of episodes, we're definitely emphasizing the Jack-Kate-Sawyer romantic triangle. The level of sexual tension between those three characters is definitely being ramped up. As the respective leaders of their respective units, Ana-Lucia and Jack have a great deal in common with each other, and that's definitely something we're going to be exploring. But [the fact that] Ana-Lucia inadvertently murdered one of the members of the tribe doesn't exactly [lend itself] to candlelight dinners and walks on the beach. She is a woman; she will have romantic entanglements. But I think the one that will begin to emerge over the season will be the one that you least expect. We're definitely going to be paying attention to [the Charlie and Claire] relationship, but it's not going to turn in ways the audience expects. I think that [the] question [as to what the numbers mean] will never, ever be answered. I couldn't possibly imagine [how we would answer that question]. We will see more ramifications of the numbers and more usage of the numbers, but it boggles my mind when people ask me, "What do the numbers mean?" You'll learn more about [why Ethan abducted Claire] this season. [We still plan on revealing why the plane crashed this season.] In the next string of episodes, one of the really compelling backstory elements is what happened to Jack's marriage. We think Julie Bowen is amazing and she and Matthew Fox are so great in scenes together, and I think the audience is really curious as to what went wrong there. And you should pay attention to Mr. Eko's stick. That stick is an important ongoing clue. [We will learn more about the monster this season.]

Essa ultima frase me deixo meio intrigado...curioso pra saber do bastao do Mr. Eko´s......e é meio decepcionante ele dizer que provavelmente nunca saberemos o que os numeros realmente são...

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pablobta está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular
MensagemEnviada: Quarta Novembro 16, 2005 22:25  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

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Acabou de passar E! News e a Kristin emtrevistou o JJ.

Coisas que ele confirmou:
Arrow O Locke e o Hurley tiveram sim o mesmo chefe
Arrow Locke vai voltar pra cadeira de rodas, very, very soon.

Aqui vai o artigo completo que será traduzido, hold on to your panties)

1. Shannon Really Is Dead--Really, Really: I know it's tough to believe that anyone on a JJ Abrams show could be legitimately six feet under for all of eternity, but Maggie Grace is not expected to return to Lost island in the future. If you don't believe me, believe Dominic Monaghan, who proclaimed Thursday morning, "Shannon's dead! There's no way out. I think if you get shot in the chest on an island with no real medical help, you're gonna croak."

Finally, the truth about the third policeman
4. I Know Who's Next (And Why That's a Misleading Tease): First off, I gotta tell you, the cast is still a bit rattled over saying goodbye to Maggie. "We have such a strong bond," Daniel tells me. "We still miss Ian, and now we'll miss [Maggie], too." Jorge adds: "It's really hard any time you lose someone on a show, and more so in this situation where they've actually gotta move away after they die on the show." So very Survivor, no? But the good news is, I'm told that as of this moment, there no future tribal councils in the works. Meaning, at least for now, the "next one to go" one. Phew!

8. It's True! Kate's Getting Some Looovvvin' (And Not from Sawyer): Get the deets for yourself from Damon Lindelof in the video clip at right, along with his very funny take on the highly debated Kate/Sawyer/Jack triangle, aka "Skate" versus "Kack." Plus, there are also rumblings about Locke's (Terry O'Quinn's) wheelchair further into the clip.

15. Jin and Sun, Reuniting, and It Feels So Good: This according to Daniel Dae Kim, whom you can see for yourself in the video clip at right. Yunjin adds: "We are the only married couple on the island, so I think that's a good reason to root for us to be together. Jin's totally changed, and he's come so far, and I think it's time to get that handcuff off of him!" (Am I the only one who hadn't noticed it's still there?!)

16. Harold Perrineau's Real-Life Wife Will Be Back: Keep your eyes peeled! Damon tells me that Brittany Perrineau (love her), who plays Mary Jo, the woman who pulled out Hurley's lottery numbers, and also Sawyer's one-night stand, will be back for a third episode very soon. Harold explains: "I think the idea was that Sawyer was a con man, and he might want to con the Lotto girl. And she might not be a one-night stand." When asked how he felt about his wife shooting a love scene with Josh Holloway, Harold replies: "It was a little weird, so what I did was, I talked to the writers, and I said if she's gonna kiss him, then I'm gonna kiss him, so it was great! Josh is a really good kisser!"

23. It's Tailies-vs.-Lost-ies Smackdown Time! In just two more episodes, the old cast and new cast will collide, but after that whole Shannon-offing thing, they aren't exactly going to be singing "Kum Bay Yah" 'round the campfire. When asked if it'll be like the Sharks and Jets, Daniel Dae Kim (love him) breaks out in song, "That's right! We're gonna go around, 'Boy, boy.' [Laughs.] I think there's going to be a little bit of like, 'Who are these people?' You know, the Lost-ies are going to be guarded, especially after [Shannon's death]."

Damon-JJ Smackdown: Who's nicer...really?
42. Damon Doesn't Listen: You message boarders have already heard the truth about Damon Lindelof's business style, of the torturous revenge he enacts when you cancel on him last-minute. (Shudder.) I tried to help him change his wicked ways in the video clip at left, but something tells me it still didn't sink in.

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LucyK está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular Visitar a homepage do Usuário MSN Messenger Orkut Profile:
MensagemEnviada: Quarta Novembro 16, 2005 22:40  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

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o locke vai voltar pra cadeira de rodas!!!! Shock como assim?já ate queimaram a cadeira...q f*** vendo mesmo pra crer!!

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Rafaloko está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular MSN Messenger Orkut Profile:
MensagemEnviada: Sexta Novembro 18, 2005 02:49  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

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ah não.....o jack na cadeira de rodas não.....tudo menos isso.....o personagem vai perder a graça.......isso é uma pena

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pedrogps08 está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular
MensagemEnviada: Sábado Novembro 19, 2005 13:28  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

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Locke na cadeira de rodas?
isso vai ser estranho Oo

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leonardus está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular Visitar a homepage do Usuário MSN Messenger
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MensagemEnviada: Domingo Novembro 20, 2005 10:55  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

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Num dá pra anda de cadeira de rodas na areia...

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bogoio está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular
MensagemEnviada: Domingo Novembro 20, 2005 17:52  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

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bogoio escreveu:
Num dá pra anda de cadeira de rodas na areia...

é verdade!então ele vai ter q fika dentro da escotilha...

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MensagemEnviada: Segunda Novembro 21, 2005 14:04  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

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Vai ver esta é a resposta que ele tanto esperava sobre o destino dele e a ligação com a escotilha... seu destino é fricar na cadeira de rodas dentro dela!

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Cfmarques está offline  Ver o perfil do usuários Enviar Mensagem Particular
MensagemEnviada: Segunda Novembro 21, 2005 14:30  |  Assunto: Responder com Citação

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Gente, coitado do Locke! Voltar pra cadeira de rodas! E eu queria saber como é que ele foi parar na cadeira de rodas!

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